"Grande Abatellis" and the "Quadreria della Regia Università"

In the "Sala Gerbasi” (also called “Sala delle Capriate”) at the Steri has been set up the new picture gallery of the University, thanks to the “Grande Abatellis” Project within the Valorization Agreement, which aims to make available part of the collections in the deposits of the Regional Gallery of Palazzo Abatellis.

The project started in 2018, year of “Palermo Capital of Culture”.

The artworks were exhibited in the first seat of the public collections in the Museum of the Royal University of Palermo, located in the Convent of Teatini in via Maqueda.

The masterpieces come largerly from donations made by illustrious nobles such as Giuseppe Emanuele Ventimiglia Prince of Belmonte, Carlo Cottone Prince of Castelnuovo, the Marquis of Bressac, Francesco I of Bourbon and the Marquis Jacob Joseph Haus .

The exhibition contains about fifty artworks from the 16th  to the 18th century. It is possible to admire precious works from the Novelli’s School such as “Ritratto d’uomo” (Portrait of a Man) or “Ritratto di giovane patrizio” (Portrait of a  Young Patrician"; works from the Roman’s School such as “Sacra Famiglia” (Holy Family) or “Madonna con il Bambino” (The Virgin and Child); and works from the Venetian’s School, such as “Ritratto del Patriarca Armeno” (Portrait of Armenian Patriarch) or “Ritratto d’uomo barbuto (Portrait of a Bearded Man).

There are also famous paintings such as the Gianquinto’s “Processione delle reliquie di San Gennaro” (Procession of Relics of Saint Gennaro,) the De Ribera’s “La Madonna sorregge il Cristo deposto” (Madonna Supports the Deposed Christ) and the Preti’s “Abramo che adora gli Angeli” (Abraham Who Worships Angels).

Centro Servizi

Sistema Museale di Ateneo

Università degli Studi di Palermo

Via Lincoln, 2 (Orto Botanico)

90133 PALERMO, Italia

Codice Fiscale 80023730825, Partita IVA 00605880822


091 238 96775 - 091 238 93781



Monumental Complex of Steri

Responsible Prof. Aldo Gerbino

Piazza Marina, 59 - Palermo

Accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Opening hours

Monday: closed

Tuesday to Friday: 9:30 am - 06:30 pm

(last admission 05:30 pm).

Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 am - 05:00 pm

(until 07:00 pm during daylight saving time).

Entrance fee