Scientific Collections of the Architecture Department

The historical and documentary materials of the Architecture Department’s Scientific Collection of the University of Palermo, come from different departments gathered in 2011 in a single structure.

Since 2012, under the direction of Marcella Aprile, this heritage has been reunited under the current name (with Carla Quartarone and Ettore Sessa as scientific directors).

Since 2014 the Architecture Department has also acquired the historic Basile endowment and the Ducrot Archive (now known as the “Basile and Ducrot Collections”), until then at the Faculty of Architecture of Palermo.

The Scientific Collections heritage are currently formed by materials preserved in the:

- Benfratello Legacy (curator G. Fatta);

- Basile and Ducrot Collections (curator E. Sessa,  scientific consultant E. Mauro);

- Zanca Fund (curator P. Barbera);

- Caronia Roberti Fund (curator E. Sessa,  scientific consultant E. Mauro);

- Giuseppe Caronia Fund (curator C. Quartarone);

- Gagliardi Collection (curator M. R. Nobile);

- Drawing Cabinet Collection (curators P. Barbera and L. Inzerillo);

- Models Collection of the Department of Design and Construction Building (curator A. De Vecchi)

- Boscarino Fund (curators F. Tomaselli and M.R. Nobile, scientific consultant R. Scaduto)

- Pintacuda-Perrier Fund (curators F. Tomaselli and M.R. Nobile, scientific consultant R. Scaduto)

In 2014, the Pozzetto Archive (curators C. Quartarone and E. Sessa) and the Colajanni Archive (curator G. Fatta, scientific consultant T. Campisi), were added to these funds, as well as the Vicari and Lo Bianco Funds were added during 2015.

More details

Centro Servizi

Sistema Museale di Ateneo

Università degli Studi di Palermo

Via Lincoln, 2 (Orto Botanico)

90133 PALERMO, Italia

Codice Fiscale 80023730825, Partita IVA 00605880822


091 238 96775 - 091 238 93781

Department of Architecture

Scientific Collections

Responsibles Prof. Carla Quartarone,

Prof. Ettore Sessa

Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 9 - Palermo

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