Collection "Lagumina"

Centro Servizi

Sistema Museale di Ateneo

Università degli Studi di Palermo

Via Lincoln, 2 (Orto Botanico)

90133 PALERMO, Italia

Codice Fiscale 80023730825, Partita IVA 00605880822


091 238 96775 - 091 238 93781


"La Sicilia raccontata dai cartografi" (Sicily told by cartographers) is an exhibition project set up in December 2014, in the spaces of the former Steri Prison, thanks to the sensitive support of Antonio Lagumina, who has created a significant collection of maps of Sicily from the 16th to the 19th century, through long and exciting research conducted over many decades.Cosimo Bertacchi in the preface to the "First cartography essay of the Sicilian Region" by Antonino Enrile, published in Palermo in 1908, writes: "Sicily occupies a unique place in the history of geography, because of its various figuration or more for its various orientation in ancient and modern maps, it faithfully reflects the progress of geography in various ages.Through “La Sicilia raccontata dai cartografi” (Sicily told by cartographers) emerge the multiple specificities of the island, observed through the centuries; the exhibition itinerary also leads to a knowledge both geographical and chronological. The presentation of the maps focuses primarily on the most famous and fundamental: the "Sicilia" by Giacomo Gastaldi in 1545, the "Siciliae Regnum" by Mercator in 1589, the "Carte de l'Isle et Royaume de Sicile" by DeIisle in 1717, the "Nova et accurata Siciliae" by Schmettau in 1721. Later, there are thematic maps, such as nautical, paperback, island and religious orders.Each map offers many points of interest: in the toponymy, in the configuration of the coastline and the road network; other maps have educational purposes such as the map by Benedetto Bordone of 1528, with Sicily "according to Ptolemy" and "according to the modern". The "Nuova ed esatta carta corografica della Sicilia” (New and exact chorographic map of Sicily) by Giovan Battista Ghisi of 1728, is a historical, artistic and productive compendium, almost a photograph of the time. Among the maps of historical interest is the one that belonged to Nino Bixio. The island, with the name of  Siciliae Regnum", declined in various languages and for the first time present in the map of the Flemish Mercator of 1589, perpetuates the memory of the Norman kingdom that extended throughout the Mediterranean basin and celebrates a land of hospitality, tolerance and excellence in the arts and culture.